Background to the global economic crisis

The book “Preparing for the Economic Storm”  reached number #10,307 on the Amazon bestseller rank earlier in 2015 out of 6 million books.

Could economic collapse happen to my nation? How do I prepare? What about the Greek economic collapse? How can we save money?

See other economic blog posts for further information.

Many nations in the West, including the UK and USA  are suffering from huge national debts, that are not being paid off but are actually increasing. The former UK Coalition Government  increased the UK national debt by  £600 billion in just five years and this is set to continue under the Conservative Government. This ongoing debt is simply unsustainable. Without significant changes nations could face economic collapse in the future.

How this book will help you

So PREPARING FOR THE ECONOMIC STORM is about how God is preparing His people and His Church for the coming economic storm and period of austerity that will surely hit the UK and other Western nations. The book shows us not only how to prepare financially, practically and spiritually, like Joseph, but how to ride on the back of God’s purposes, for the saving of many lives. It covers the USA, UK, Greece, Spain and other nations.  And also gets behind the scenes of what God is doing in the nations to help us prepare.

If you would like to buy a copy of the book just click here.

Preparing4theStormCoverWhat others are saying about “Preparing for the Economic Storm” :

Brian Mills  Author, speaker and international prayer leader

“Many people are asking the question ‘What in the world is happening ?’. Derrick Burns seeks to answer that question by looking at some of the signs of our times. He talks of global shifts in weather patterns, economics and governments. I have no hesitation in commending this as an illuminating challenge to get ready and to prepare for an incredibly difficult future – one that is vastly different to the past. So this is a prophetic book.”

Viv Thomas  Associate International Director O.M. International and Hon Teaching Pastor, St Paul’s Hammersmith

“What this book has to say is raw, urgent, wide-ranging and clear being full of conviction without one half-hearted sentence”

Rev. Dr. Greg Livingstone “How Christians can ‘re-tool’, and lead the way through a self-destructing world is what I would have titled Derrick’s fresh and hugely practical piling up of ideas.”

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