Entertainment idol

Is entertainment becoming an addictive practice for you and beginning to be entertainment idolatry in your life?

Looking from the outside

There is a set of 4 videos, The Amish on Rumspringa, detailing a visit to the UK by 5 Amish teens, 2 girls and 3 boys as part of their period living in the modern world. At 16 years old they are allowed to leave the Amish community for a while to experience the outside world and then decide whether they want to commit to the community for the rest of their lives. During their trip to the UK, they do a very interesting critique of our modern world, which is helpful, as most of us grow up with this entertainment culture without any critique. Also see FIVE STEPS TO DEAL WITH A CULTURAL IDOL.

The Amish don’t have any form of entertainment like newspapers, TV, video games or mobile phones. They work from early morning to 10pm at night. They don’t have free leisure time! So below are a few of their insightful reactions to entertainment.

A helpful critique

  1. The Amish boys were bored when their fellow teens spent hours playing video games. They wanted just to go outside and do something active, like build something useful.
  2. They noticed that the young people spent a lot of time in entertaining one another or in self-entertainment. For what they asked? It seemed to achieve nothing, was self-indulgent, when they could be serving the Lord! They called it “self-gratification”, a focus on self rather than on benefitting others. Life was just a vapour, so short and so they believed we need to make good use of it and not waste it on trivial things.
  3. The girls noticed that in London, a third of people walked around with ear-phones on. They said that it seemed very isolating and asked how would they get to know other people during the day.

In fact the Amish teens seemed free of any entertainment idolatry.

So here are 4 things to ask ourselves to determine where we are with it.

1. Ask why are you watching a TV programme, film or video?

Are we looking for excitement, rest after a tiring day or false intimacy in lust? Entertainment doesn’t satisfy us in these areas and if it helps it lasts for only a short time. Only God can provide us with ongoing excitement, true rest and deep intimacy. Would Jesus watch this particular video or film? Is entertainment idolatry for us?

2. How does it line up with eternity?

When we stand before God we will be accountable for how we used our time. How will entertainment stand before God? How will our hours checking WhatsApp stand up? Straw or gold? If straw, that will be burned up by the fire of God as useless, why am I continuing to pursue this form of entertainment? Is it just a waste of time? Can you use this time more productively to help others or grow with God.

3. Has this form of entertainment become addictive?

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Check your mobile phone? How do you spend your evenings? Watching many hours of movies and series? How much time to you give to the internet per day? If it has become addictive, then this is the same as any other addiction. It is controlling your life.

4. Ask does it glorify God?

The most used of God, George Whitefield , the revivalist and John Calvin, the great Reformer compared everything they did with, “Does it glorify God?” And at the end of the day as well. For this reason their lives were hugely productive. They applied the verse 1 Cor 10:31 to all they did:
“Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”.

What now?

If the answers are not positive, then begin to put some limits and accountability on your entertainment practices. Let’s lay down and repent of any entertainment idolatry. Then look for healthier alternatives.

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