Faith that moves mountains

Faith that moves mountains? Are you facing an impossible situation? Does there seem to be no way through? Do things look hopeless? Then you need faith that moves mountains. But is this possible?

Many believers think that only giants in the faith can see mountains move. But Jesus teaches something very different in Mt 17:20:

“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

We only need faith as small as a mustard seed, which is the tiniest of seeds. So it is available for ALL believers.

So how does it work?

1.We must first exercise this mustard seed faith

Take the little faith you have and run with it. God has no favourites. All of us are equal under God’s grace. We first need to believe that God’s grace is sufficient for our situation and that doing the impossible is no harder for Him than something ‘easier’.

We can all exercise this faith because it is simply believing in God’s character and goodness.

2.Seek God for revelation on the situation and how to pray

 Rom 8:26 says:

“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”

 As we seek the help of the Holy Spirit he will begin to direct our prayers and this will often come with revelation. It may be about ways we need to change too!

3.Declare the revelation and the mountain moved before it has happened

 David does exactly this is Ps 23:5

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.”

He declares the impossible: peace with his enemies, a picture of reconciliation and fellowship with his enemies round a dining table, with Saul’s supporters (a huge ask) and later in the civil war with all of Israel! David visualised God doing the impossible.

And we know the impossible happened! David exercised faith to move mountains.

4.Fast and pray

Jesus says this to the disciples in the same story as Mt 17:20 above in Mk 9:29

“This kind can only come out by prayer and fasting.”

Fasting and praying and resting in God grows intimacy with our Father in heaven and grows faith, because we are plugging into His faith.

5.Persist, persist and persist

Sometimes God gives us the victory quickly and we declare the victory and the breakthrough happens. But often we need to persist. Jesus is looking for such faith.

He says so in Lk 18 in the parable of the persistent widow. If we truly believe that God can move mountains in our situation then we must persist in prayer until it happens or it is not true faith! Then we will see faith that moves mountains.

Immovable walls

Have you ever wondered why it was only Jericho that God brought the walls down? Why at the first city and not at the rest? Click on the “Immovable walls” blog to discover another key to breakthroughs.

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