Are you hungry for a divine visitation? Blind Bartimaeus got Jesus’ attention. “Jesus stopped and said, ‘Call him’”. What can we learn from what he did to attract a divine visitation for our lives, our household or our church? See also my book that uses revival stories and verses in a daily devotional:  GRACE OUTPOURINGS: 21 Days Revival Devotional.

Jesus healed hundreds of blind people and we don’t know their names. But we know Bartimaeus’ name. Why? Because he did a number of extraordinary things that got Jesus’ attention, not just to heal him. Bartimaeus was probably well known in the Early Church for his extraordinary faith.

1. A question of trust in who Jesus is

Bartimaeus knew that Jesus would stop for him. He believed in Jesus’ character, as one who showed mercy and compassion. He didn’t pass people by. So he shouted for Jesus based on this trust and understanding.

Do we trust Jesus to give us a divine visitation? Evan Roberts, the instrument God used to start the Welsh revival, never missed a prayer meeting at his church because he didn’t want to miss a divine visitation. He trusted that one day the Holy Spirit would turn up. And God did! As a result more than 100,000 came to Christ., see HOW REVIVAL STARTS

2. A question of taking the opportunity.

Many times we give up too quickly and so don’t receive the divine visitation that we want. There was a big crowd to minister too. Jesus could have busied himself by helping these. But instead he chose to stop for Bartimaeus. Why? Because of his huge persistence. Bartimaeus wasn’t going to miss the opportunity and he was willing to persist until he gained an audience with the King of kings.

This is a time when God is rocking the nations and is looking to pour out His Spirit afresh on individuals and the Church to prepare us for the return of Jesus. So let’s not miss this opportunity by giving up seeking after the presence of God. Let’s press in until he answers, see EXTRAORDINARY PRAYER AND DIVINE OUTPOURING: 4 KEYS

3. A question of thirst

There were surely many beggars begging outside the entrance of Jericho. But Jesus stops for blind Bartimaeus. Why? Because he was thirsty for a visitation.

Many times we fill our hearts with the things of the world: TV, series, the internet, Whatsapp, making money, entertainment. These kill our thirst for the divine. We fill our hearts with ‘junk food’ and leave no space for the extraordinary presence of God.

Bartimaeus was thirsty for a divine encounter that would change his life and he got it!! See GROWING INTIMACY WITH GOD

4. He didn’t lose his thirst and fire because of others

Many people rebuked Bartimaeus and told him to be quiet. Maybe friends or even people in your church don’t understand your zeal for God. So they invite you to their worldly pursuits or even tell you off for being “too spiritual”. Or maybe they just consider you as over the top and you need to be reigned in.

It’s likely that we know his name because his faith became well known in the Early Church. His zeal influenced many others, instead of their hearts influencing him. It’s possible that he was an early pioneer, a type of apostle, see APOSTOLIC MINISTRY: 7 CHARACTERISTICS OF APOSTLES.


So we must desire a divine visitation above all else and not be distracted or drawn away by others or their different priorities.

5. A question of breaking with the old life

When Blind Bartimaeus heard Jesus calling him he immediately threw off his cloak. This was the most important worldly possession he had, because without it he would freeze to death at night. So often we hold onto the most important things of the world

So why did he throw it away before meeting Jesus? This appears, at first sight, to be totally crazy. Jesus had not healed him yet.

Because he understood that life with Jesus was far superior to the life he had on the road. He believed that Jesus would not just give him his sight back but a new and better life. So he had already made this exchange in his heart.

How about us? Do we ‘burn our bridges’ and give Jesus no option but to visit us? See PRICE OF REVIVAL. Will we break with every worldly pursuit to focus on the divine encounter? Bartimaeus shows that we can believe God for much more than we ask of Him!!


Those men and women of God who started revivals showed many of the characteristics of Bartimaeus. John Knox said, “Give me Scotland or I die!” Knox transformed Scotland. Bartimaeus put himself in the place for a divine encounter. How about you?


And my book to help get us ready:  PREPARING FOR A DIVINE VISITATION 

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