GOODNESS OF GOD: 5 ways it is radically transforming my life

Goodness of God

I am discovering that the goodness of God is so much greater, bigger and deeper than I ever imagined. It is immense. This has amazing repercussions for how we live. This article will examine 5 remarkable truths.

We can experience it more often

If the goodness of God is so huge and deep then surely He wants us to experience His goodness every day. This is a taste of heaven. So we can pray for this with increased expectation. David expects it in Ps 23:6

“Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life”

We can experience it in the difficult times

 David makes this declaration in Ps 23:6 when he is walking through the valley of the shadow of death.

So the goodness of God is so great that when David was on the run from Saul or his enemies, and constantly in danger, he wrote this psalm declaring that the goodness of God would follow him everywhere.

We need to live with this expectation every day by declaring the goodness of God and living out of this. I have discovered that when I declare this, especially during hard times, I see more of the goodness of God in my life.

God wants us to express his goodness to others every day

Ps 145:9 “The Lord is good to all. He has compassion on all He has made.”

Mt 5:45 God sends the rain and sunshine for all daily.

There are almost daily opportunities to bless others through a conversation, an encouragement, a kindness, buying food for a homeless person, praying for a person etc. If God is good then there are many times per day he wants to use us to be a channel of His goodness. We just need to be sensitive and open to the opportunities.
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Since God is good to all, this also means the people we don’t like and even our enemies! We are called to show kindness and love to them also.

The goodness of God gives us direction

Many times we want a word from the Lord about what to do next or in a situation. But in many situations we simply need to act out of God’s character and out of faith. And God will back us up because He is faithful to his character. We don’t need a word.

In 2 Ki 5 when Naaman wanted healing, Elisha told him to come, so that he would know that there was a prophet in Israel i.e. that God acts through His prophets because He is faithful to His character and honours His Name. Elisha didn’t need to get a word from the Lord. The answer was obviously “yes”.

The goodness and patience of God are keys to learning

Look at Samson. He did almost everything against the Philistines out of revenge. But God was incredibly patient with him because he was going against the erroneous attitude of the Israelites, which was to accommodate them and do nothing.

Look at Jonah who first disobeyed and ran away and even after obeying wanted everyone in Nineveh to die. God works with all his mistakes and disobedience.

I used to think that if I missed a God given opportunity I had really messed up and so in fear of messing up with God I avoided many situations so that I would not have to disappoint the Lord. However, my understanding of the goodness of God is changing my view of things. God is a Father to us and we are like a child. He doesn’t expect us to get it all right immediately. He knows that like a child learning we are free to make loads of mistakes and even avoid opportunities.

He gives us opportunities like Jonah and waits to see what we will do with them. God is good. He is patient and will give us plenty of opportunities to get it right. We just need to be persistent and now worry if at first we make mistakes or avoid something out of fear.


 God’s goodness is so immense it makes Him so good to work with and we can feel secure in His infinite patience to try again. Each day we can grow in the knowledge of His goodness and also do good to others.

For more revelation on the goodness of God see “GOODNESS OF GOD IN DIFFICULT TIMES: 4 reasons we can experience it more in trying times”.

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