
Recently we have heard about the impact that Billy Graham had, probably the greatest of any single man of his generation. But today I want to share about George Whitefield, a preacher that brought revival in two continents. I have summarised insights from Dallimore’s books on Whitefield, Volumes 1 and 2.

Who was George Whitefield?

 In the early 1700s he startled a nation with his preaching as a young man in his early 20s. He began in churches that became packed everywhere he preached. Much later he preached outdoors, particularly in Bristol and London. This drew huge crowds of 10,000 or more to hear him on a regular basis. Thus started the Great Awakening in England.

 What were Whitefield’s Aims?

(Vol 1, P.436)

  1. To bring people to Christ
  2. To deliver them from their false confidences (his language for idols, very Pauline)
  3. To raise them from their dead formalities
  4. To revive primitive Christianity

So what was distinctive about Whitefield’s preaching?

(Vol 1, P. 435-436, 538-543)

  1. He proclaimed the simple truths of the Gospel but in such a way that surprised and excited, drawing out fresh insights from Biblical texts.
  2. “He spoke from a heart aglow with love”, preaching with irresistible eloquence.
  3. He aimed more at affecting the heart than the explanation of doctrines.
  4. He spoke about Jesus with great affection
  5. He reproved the people for their backslidings and sins but in a moving, affectionate manner that moved people to tears. He convicted people with sweet entreaties and tender persuadings.
  6. He expressed the highest love and concern for the souls of men.
  7. He addressed different types of listeners e.g. the rich and secure, false Christians, sinners, backsliders etc and spoke directly to their situations.
  8. He preached with a lively imagination.
  9. He was endued with power from on high and as a result his heart was enlarged and warmed with divine love. He simply spoke out of this love, so that hearts were melted.
  10. He preached with great earnestness and conviction out of the passion that enflamed his whole life.


We need a return to this type of anointed preaching, that changes nations. Where are these preachers today?

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