UK Revival: Reading Outpouring, 5 powerful lessons for the Church

Reading Outpouring Revival

A UK Revival? Have you heard of the Reading Outpouring happening in the city of Reading in the UK, that some are calling revival. It  first got national attention on Michael Marcel’s blog, UK revival

Reports say that almost 2000 people have made first time commitments or recommitments to Christ on the streets of Reading in about 6 weeks 1. Many are joining local churches. It is a harvest time. The people of God are becoming bold and proclaiming the Good News of Jesus which is the power of God for all those who believe.

This outbreak started at The Gate Church, Reading (part of the Barnabas fellowship), in June 2016, under the leadership of Pastor Yinka Oyegan, but now has spread city-wide. It started when they invited Tommie Zito to train them in outreach and they began to do this every night on the streets.

Below is a video of a service of testimony at the Gate Church shortly after the outbreak:

5 Powerful Lessons from this Outpouring

Firstly, the outpouring is happening out of meetings of just resting in the Lord

Learning to seek for and rest in God’s presence often precedes outpourings. The Reading believers spend about one hour ‘soaking’ in God’s presence Friday evening, just receiving from Him. Then they hear Pastor Yinka preach. After this they go out on the streets to share their faith on Saturday morning, and also pray for people. This is significant because it shows a radical dependence on the Lord. Normally people pray just a short time before going out.

This is not a new thing. The members of the Salvation Army in the time of its founder, William Booth, used to do something very similar. They would meet for overnight prayer and encounters with God’s presence. Then in the morning they would go onto the streets with the power of God. Many were converted as a result and this started a great movement. Jesus said, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Mt 10:8). We cannot give what we have not first received.

Secondly, the Reading outpouring is a window of opportunity

The Reading Outpouring is surely linked to the Brexit vote though it started before then. Disillusioned with politicians people are more open to God. Windows of opportunity can last months or years. We must take advantage of what God is doing while the window is still there. It appears to be more harvest than revival, but with concerted, unified prayer it could well become a revival movement.

Thirdly, the Reading outpouring is in response to the boldness of believers

Pastor Yinka estimates that 60-70% of the Gate Church are regularly going on to the streets to share their faith and to pray for people. Believers are leading people to Christ not just on the streets. But also when they go back home, on buses, at McDonald’s and at the workplace. Pastor Yinka says that children are leading the way. He relates how one 11 year old has brought 57 people to Christ on the streets!

Fourthly, this outpouring in Reading can spread to your city

The Reading Outpouring is spreading as believers gather to seek Him for more. Then gain courage to reach out to people where they are in other cities. Leaders and evangelists from other churches and other denominations have been visiting Pastor Yinka’s church where the awakening broke out and joining the outreach on the streets. Pastor Yinka recounts how one pastor went back to his city after visiting the outpouring in Reading. He then led 6 people to Christ as soon as he got back home.

So we need to be ready for an awakening wherever we are and be ready to ride the waves of the Holy Spirit. Just like a surfer we must be alert and wait for such waves in order to ride on them. A passive surfer or one who is not watching carefully and expectantly will surely miss the coming waves.

Now of course God is sovereign in all things of the Spirit, but if He is moving again across the world then we can simply run on the back of this. The Spirit will blow afresh where people are hungry for more and seeking Him for more. I don’t believe this move of the Spirit is just for the UK. It’s for other nations also.

Fifthly, the outpouring has spread city-wide

The biggest factor in the Reading Outpouring is the unity of the pastors city-wide. They have met together for the past 19 years to pray for one another and the city. This factor is essential if we want local revivals to spread city-wide.

For the latest updates see The Gate Church’s Facebook page


If you are interested in a 21 day devotional guide based on revivals and the move of God see “GRACE OUTPOURINGS“.

It includes stories from the Reading Outpouring and more insight into what God is doing currently.

Click link for some great book recommendations on Christian revivals


1 Christianity Magazine article, August 2016

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