What can we learn from the Greece Bailout?

Greece bailout

So why was a Greece Bailout needed?

The government was already overspending and then joined the euro in 2001, allowing it to instantly borrow at much lower interest rates because it was now able to borrow in euros. Greece went on a spending spree, especially increasing the salaries of public sector workers (rose 50% between 1999-2007). And while maintaining a very generous pension system of around 92% of the original wage ! Also the Athens Olympics cost 9 billion euros, twice the original costing!

The government’s income was also hit by a culture of tax evasion, that has never been properly addressed. This added to the country’s growing debts. Then came the global economic downturn and Greece was not in a position now to repay its loans. So it was forced to ask the EU and the International Monetary Fund for help.

So what happened spiritually?

Greece used to be a strong Christian nation in the first century. In those days God sent the Apostle Paul and many others to evangelise the people and to call them to turn away from their idols to the Living God.

However, now people have turned back to their idols. Instead they looked to fishing, tourism and making quick money gains. These may help fulfil for a while, but idols that are no gods at all, cannot be trusted and will fall. They are no substitute for worshiping the Lord.

The Athens Olympics was a celebration of their cultural past, a look back to when Greece was ruled by its potent gods. Rather than see how they were now free of such idols of the past, people have instead turned to the old beliefs but manifested in new forms.

Greece also looked to other nations for its prosperity. This was what was behind the joining of the euro and the receiving of many cheap loans. But dependence on false economic gods cannot be sustained. So God is allowing these nations that Greece depended upon to dominate over them.

What is God saying through the Greek Bailout?

I believe that God is revealing these things so that the Greek people may look to Him once again. Also for the Greeks to discover the ancient Christian traditions that once dominated many of their cities and brought life.

God wants the nation of Greece, and nations worldwide,  to know that politicians nor any other nation can save them. Only God controls the destiny of the nation.

For more info on what is happening in the Western nations, see my book “Preparing for the Economic Storm“.

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