HOPE AFTER BREXIT AND BREXIT PLUS: the healing of the nations

healing of nations

Is there hope after Brexit and Brexit Plus?

I have prayed many times for the UK, the USA and other nations but now God is beginning to show me something new and exciting in this area that doesn’t depend on the result of elections or referendums or momentous changes.

Can God totally transform a nation?

Nicky Gumbel of HTB Church pointed out that in the Anglican Church each congregation prays for the Royal Family every Sunday as part of the set prayers. Someone normally repeats a set prayer and everyone says Amen.

Then Gumbel continues, “So why has the Royal Family had so many problems then?” He suggests an answer, because people don’t pray with faith. We mouth the prayers and agree with what is said but in our hearts we are not engaging with God. Heb says that without faith we cannot please God.

I think there are many times I have prayed for a nation but not really believed for the answer. I was simply praying because I believed that was the right thing to do. But that is not how we should pray.

Now God is changing my perspective and showing me His vision which is so much bigger and better. God is into transforming whole nations in a way that will make them unrecognisable. God is good and wants to bring huge blessing to the nations of the world. Just look at the river that flows from the throne of God in Rev 22:1-3. It waters the tree of life whose fruit is for the healing of the nations. This is God’s ultimate goal for each nation in the world. So we can pray with faith and hope for the healing of whole nations after Brexit, Brexit Plus or any unexpected change.

Praying as sons and daughters

As sons and daughters of the Living God we have enormous authority to change things in prayer because we carry His authority. Now is the time to exercise this authority post Brexit and Brexit Plus.

What is Jesus doing now? He is praying for the nations of the world and for the Kingdom to come. Where is he praying from? At the right hand of God, the place of victory and authority. And Eph 2:6 says that we are seated with him as we are in Christ. This means that we can pray with his authority and from the same place of victory. The healing of the nations has already been won through the cross. Now it just needs to be appropiated by faith through prayer and action.

Changing how we pray

I have heard many believers complain about their country and all the things wrong about it. And many dream of living in another country instead! How can we pray with faith for the transformation of our nation if this is how we view things. It’s not that we should ignore the injustices and faults in our nations but that this should not be our focus. We should start from the position of God’s great character and His desire to change nations.

Also God loves every nation and people on earth. We also need to love each country we pray for. If we don’t love our nation and would rather live elsewhere or we don’t love another nation because of its history with us, how can we pray with God’s love for that country?

Conclusion: a powerful way of praying

So with this new perspective we can now pray with hope after Brexit,  for our own nation and other nations for their complete transformation through faith. Who knows what God will do in our generation if we begin to pray like this.

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