heaven on earth

The life of faith is like this. It is living outside our comfort zone in the realm of heaven on earth and in the supernatural in daily life. In the “Our Father” prayer we are called to pray for exactly this, for heaven on earth. Here are 5 insights that will help us live beyond our normal borders in everyday life:

1.It’s without limit

There are no limits (like broadband – unlimited access) to how far we can explore beyond the borders because the limit of the exploration is only the limit of our faith and the grace of God. The grace of God is limitless. It is so huge we will always have enough to make the journey and live there.

It also doesn’t matter in what part of the world we live or what stage of life we are currently in. The grace of God is sufficient. This needs the exercise of faith to believe this. God loves it when we respond in faith and is only too happy to help us.

2.The biggest barrier to living heaven on earth

Our problem is that we put up borders and limits to what God can do and then maintain these borders. Maybe occasionally we go a little outside when our Pastor organises an outreach or an exciting conference etc but then we go back to our comfort zone. We need a change of thinking and out of this a change in living.

3.God is not ‘normal’

Maybe we want to live a normal Christian life. But God is not normal and neither should we be! As His children we are called to be like Him. He is a God who is always going ahead of us. He is a God who wants us to pursue Him there, to live in His realm of the supernatural and love beyond measure. This is rarely a place that we feel comfortable but it is the most exciting place to live.

4.What happens if we make mistakes when we go outside our comfort zone?

Peter pushed the boundaries when he walked on water and Jesus encouraged it. When he fell Jesus was there to catch him. We will make mistakes going beyond the borders but Jesus is there to protect us and keep us from falling. We are always safe beyond the borders, although the ride might be difficult at times.

5.The most exciting thing about living outside our comfort zone

The really exciting thing about living beyond the borders is that God reveals Himself more here. So the best rewards of discovering more about Him are when we choose to go beyond the borders. In fact the Greek suggests that when Jesus passed by the boat, walking on the water, He was revealing Himself to the disciples but only Peter stepped out to embrace this revelation!

It’s not that He is not in the normal mundane things of life, He is. But God wants us to constantly grow in faith, as this glorifies Him, so He rewards us with more of Himself when we step out in daily life.

Also it is in God’s nature to live in such places. He is God after all! He comes down to where we are, because of His humility, but He wants to take us to where He is! So we should not expect Him to live as we do. We are called to live as He does as a lifestyle, experiencing heaven on earth beyond the borders.


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