New Year vision

The New Year has already arrived. So often we either just continue as normal into the New Year or we make some New Year resolutions and don’t keep them. In this blog I want to give 4 reasons for a bigger New Year vision in 2017.

God wants us to grow each year

It can be in small ways or big ways, depending on the area of our lives. But He always wants us to grow. Paul often begins his letters by thanking God for the growth he has observed in the believers and then he prays that they will grow even more! It doesn’t need to be a lot but we should plan for and expect spiritual growth each year.

For example I read in a TED talk that the well-known Pastor Rick Warren when he got married planned to give a greater percentage of his earnings each year away every year. He started on 10% and now, more than 30 years later, he gives away 90% of his earnings and lives on just 10%.

The vision of God is huge

I am always impressed by how big God’s vision is for us. Eph 2:10 says that God has already prepared many good works in advance for us to do. We just have to ask Him to show us what these good works are.

One of the biggest prayers I pray regularly is that God may give me His perspective on every area of my life. He loves to answer this prayer and expand my vision and faith for every area of life. He has a great New Year vision for our lives because He is so good.

Believers often think that asking God for a bigger vision will mean that they will have to use more of their time and resources to fulfil the vision, adding pressure to our already busy lives. Sometimes this is true. However, God in most areas of life it is about expanding our faith rather than commitments. God can provide all the extra resources to complete the vision He has shown us without the need for us having to make many changes.

The Example of Elisha

I am always impressed with how big Elisha’s vision was. He didn’t just want to be the servant of Elijah. He wanted to walk in the shoes of Elijah and his ministry. Elisha did everything he could to take this identity. He followed him everywhere. He learned from him. Elisha even gave up all his riches as a farmer to take up this possible opportunity, such was his thirst.

And finally folllowed Elisha round on his final day until he was sure he would be granted the mantle of Elijah. Today we need to take hold of all our identity as sons and daughters of the Living God, and like Elisha persist each year until we come into its fulness.

The Power of Prayer

To grow each year does require at least one thing: investing in prayer in the areas we want to grow in.

I am at this moment identifying areas that I want to grow in and praying into these areas. Firstly for God’s perspective on how He wants me to grow, His New Year vision for 2017 in each area. Secondly, for faith to accompany this vision to be obedient to the Lord’s will in these areas.


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